Week 1 - Week 4
See Zi Yi (0340094)
Environment Design


Week 1 (25/08/2021)

In the first week of class, we were informed that we will be producing interior and exterior designs for the game art we created.

We are to choose a game that we intend to alter the art direction/aesthetics. Based on our choice, we are to then create a world with collections of references and extracting information/components that are shown in our mood board which explains the following:

1. Time
2. Era
3. Ambiance and mood
4. Back story
5. Crisis
6. Culture – design component representing their race, worship, colors, materials used, etc
7. Ecosystem – who lives there, what do they do, animals, creatures, flora, etc
8. Geolocation – plain, mountain pass, dungeons, temples ruins, highlands, sea, river, forest, etc.
9. Architectural design – structure, monuments, relics, etc
10. Resource – nuclear, oil, crystal, etc
11. Genre – Horror, Comedy, Drama, etc
12. Target audience – range max to 8 years
13. Theme - (Fantasy – South East Asian) + Sci-fi, Post War, Post Apocalypse, Medieval, etc.
14. Classes/hierarchy
15. Transport – man-made, animal, hybrids, portals, etc.

We are to include South East Asian culture, folklore, or any unique component to our design. Our art style could be following any style as long as you alter it to define a unique style with functions and aesthetically pleasing.

Environment concept = very loose ideas doesn't need to be super polished.
Environment design = the functionality, clarity are well-defined

I brainstormed about my world creation and below are my ideas laid out on Miro Board. 

Fig. 1.0 Ideas for Character Design

Fig. 1.1 Ideas for Environment Design 1.0

Fig. 1.2 Ideas for Environment Design 2.0

Week 2 (25/08/2021)

Here's the workflow for our following weeks: world map > loose concept > macro > micro
All works are to be done in landscape mode.

1. World Map: an overview of the world concept. Can refer to Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter etc.

Fig. 1.3 World Map

2. Splash: Shots of the location with value and ambiance.

Fig. 1.4 Splash

3. Vignette: Close-up of components 
Fig. 1.5 Vignette

4. Interior: Assets need to be extracted out of 

Fig. 1.6 Interior

We were tasked to complete up to splash by the next class. Also, a list of websites/software were introduced to us, such as:

Dragon Bones (check out how to download this)

We were also tasked to explore how does shape works and below is my attempt at this exercise.

Fig. 1.7 Exercise Attempt 1

Mr. Kanan advised me to add more extrusions to the shape and below is my final outcome.

Fig. 1.8 Exercise Final Outcome

Final Submission for Environment Design Exercise

Below is my final submission for the Environment Design Exercise which comprises all the final outcomes in a PDF format.


Due to the time constraint, I was unable to further enhance my exercises. However, I will study more about shapes in the following projects of this module as shapes serve as the fundamental to forming the environment.


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