Collaborative Design Practice (Task 2)


Week 5 - Week 7
See Zi Yi
Collaborative Design Practice


Week 5 | 29th April 2022

After Task 1's presentation, we discussed our direction thoroughly and approached Irene with our ideations early this week. Below are our results.


Colour Scheme


Our art direction went through a few changes as well. Below is its progression.

Initial Art Direction 

Refined Art Direction

Final Art Direction

With that, we presented to Ms Lilian our summary as shown below.

Summary of Ideation

We have to think about having bilingual content for DumoWongi's target audience.

Continue our ideation progress and schedule a meet-up with Ms Lilian if feedback is needed.

Week 6 | 6th May 2022

We continued brainstorming for our ideation on our work. Below is our progression.

Project Document Content

Below are the work of my teammates in their respective area:

Logo by Hanbo

Logo by Hanbo

Website Wireframe by Syara

Branding Video Ideation by Cerene and Park

Branding Video Music by Cerene and Park

Branding Video Storyboard by Cerene and Park

Below is my progression on Instagram Feed/Story:

I also received the products from Irene for our product photoshoot!

Herb Salt Set and Superfood powder

No feedback as it's Raya holiday. 

1. Meeting up with Irene to discuss the Instagram posts/feed.
2. Preparing for the slides presentation on Week 7.

Week 7 | 13th May 2022

We presented our ideation to both Irene and Ms Lilian today.

After the presentation, we refined the slides and came up with the Gantt Chart below:

Gantt Chart

Overall it was a great presentation. Irene was very excited to learn about our ideation. Ms Lilian mentioned that:
1. There should be more references for our branding.
2. The references for Instagram posts/feed aren't inlined with our art direction, hence required some changes.
3. Project Document's framework shouldn't be used for Presentation.

Prepare our presentation slides for Week 7 and work on our e-portfolios.


Presentation Slide

Project Document


It's very exciting to kickstart our ideation and prototyping after weeks of research and communication with Irene. I can feel that Irene is feeling the same as well, since she's always very supportive of our ideas and provide us the freedom to explore and bring the best out of her brand. As for the design team, despite it being a very challenging project to work on, I am glad everyone is doing their best in their respective area. 

As the weeks go by, everyone is having more and more duties to take care of. Hence, I observed that most of us are feeling exhausted. Regardless of that, we are definitely trying our best to make a dream work with our teamwork. Apart from that, I noticed a lot of rounds of critical discussions took place while we are ideating for DumoWongi. Some of us had minor disagreements, but I believe it's essential to develop a good outcome with critical discussions.

It feels fun to apply whatever I have learned throughout the semesters in this project, especially with social media content planning! I find myself really looking forward to creating the posts for Irene's Instagram account. I also realized that I am very inspired by my teammates' ideations and learned a lot from them throughout these few weeks.


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